Monday, August 3, 2009

Manage your time!!

1. Make a list of all the things that you need to get done in a given time period (day, week, month, etc.)
2. Realistically approximate the amount of time each task will take to complete.
3. Factor in easily overlooked tasks, such as transportation time and preparation.
4. Eliminate any non-essential items.
5. Prioritize the tasks in order of importance and urgency.
6. Set about accomplishing these tasks as soon as possible, avoiding procrastination.

1. Don't feel bad saying "no" to requests for you time that will just add extra stress to your life.
2. Learn from colleagues and web sites to see how others have successfully managed their time.
3. Remember: The basis of effective time management lies in the fact that we cannot accomplish every single thing that we would like to accomplish.

The factor's motivation

According to Jere Brophy (1987), motivation to learn is a competence acquired "through general experience but stimulated most directly through modeling, communication of expectations, and direct instruction or socialization by significant others (especially parents and teachers)."

Children's home environment shapes the initial constellation of attitudes they develop toward learning. When parents nurture their children's natural curiosity about the world by welcoming their questions, encouraging exploration, and familiarizing them with resources that can enlarge their world, they are giving their children the message that learning is worthwhile and frequently fun and satisfying.

When children are raised in a home that nurtures a sense of self-worth, competence, autonomy, and self-efficacy, they will be more apt to accept the risks inherent in learning. Conversely, when children do not view themselves as basically competent and able, their freedom to engage in academically challenging pursuits and capacity to tolerate and cope with failure are greatly diminished.

Once children start school, they begin forming beliefs about their school-related successes and failures. The sources to which children attribute their successes (commonly effort, ability, luck, or level of task difficulty) and failures (often lack of ability or lack of effort) have important implications for how they approach and cope with learning situations.

The beliefs teachers themselves have about teaching and learning and the nature of the expectations they hold for students also exert a powerful influence (Raffini). As Deborah Stipek (1988) notes, "To a very large degree, students expect to learn if their teachers expect them to learn."

Schoolwide goals, policies, and procedures also interact with classroom climate and practices to affirm or alter students' increasingly complex learning-related attitudes and beliefs.

And developmental changes comprise one more strand of the motivational web. For example, although young children tend to maintain high expectations for success even in the face of repeated failure, older students do not. And although younger children tend to see effort as uniformly positive, older children view it as a "double-edged sword" (Ames). To them, failure following high effort appears to carry more negative implications--especially for their self-concept of ability--than failure that results from minimal or no effort.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


In learning english u have to know how to pronounce your tongue to say in english, just say phonetic, PHONETIC is a sound that come out from our mouth through the tongue and lips. Singkatnya phonetic adalah tempat diamana keluarnya huruf dalam bahasa inggris, yang mungkin dapat membuat tongue twist(yang bisa bukun lidah kita keseleo kalau nyebutinya) Here are some consonant according to the english :

• Billabial is a letter taht come out from our upper lip and lower lip, it’s look like hold your upper and lower lip to say the letter. They are P, B, M, and you would hear péh béh, méh. jadi kalu temn2 mau nyebutin P M B itu kedua bibir di tahan dulu baru dikeluarin hurufnya huruf itu keluar dari 2bibir.

• Labiodental appear from lower lip and upper front teeth just say F and V, f for fanta and v for vario, you can say fanta, stick your lewer lip to upper front teeth with slow and for Vario do like that but you would hear vario in the big sound. Nah yang ini temen2 bisa bedakan lewat gigi bagisn dalam, kalau utnuk f bibir bagian bawah di di tekan sampai depan gigi dan keluarkan kata fanta atau seperti hurufف , lalu untuk kata vario itu bibir bawah di masukin ke dalam gigi bagian atas setelah itu keluarkan.
• Dental from Tongue Tip and Upper Front Teeth, huruf ini keluar dari gigi depan dan ujung lidah(lidah bagian depan yang lancip) bentuk lambang inggrisnya θ (thin) dan ð(then), keluarnya dari ujung lidah dan digigitkan di kedua gigi(janan digigt keras ntar putus), untuk θ dibaca agak tipis dan bertuliskan th, dan untuk ð tm4 kelaurnya sama yang membedakan di lebih tebal.
• Palatal, Front Of The Tongue(lidah bagian tengah) and Hard Palate(langit2 mulut) lambang nya ȷ, cara bacanya lidah tengah di tempelkan pada langit2 mulut ditahan sejenak lalu di keluarkan, seperti nyebutin NJA cobe sebutin huruf itu N ditekan dan keluarkan tapi huruf n jangan di perlihatkan dengan jelas.
Nah ini dulu di latih ya semoga bermanfaat, oh iza kalau tmen2 pengen gak keseleo lidahnya ucapkan SUPERKALIFIVA EKSPLANAZEUS, ini hanya huruf latihan yang biasa di pakai dosen saya, katanya supaya gak keseleo lagi lidahnya,


Baiklah temen2 saya akan memberi sedikit pemahaman tentang pemakaian before and after. Sebelumnya kita tahu apa itu before dan apa itu after ya khan!!, lihat kamus(bagi yang belum tahu) baik ternyata di dalam belajar bahasa inggris ini kita harus memakai kaidah yang baik dan benar, pemakain kata2 ini ternyata juga harus di masukin tenses lhoooh apa aja yaaa???
Mari kita simaaaaq.
Using before, artinya sebelum, dari artinya kita juga sudah paham bahwa sebelum berarti pekerjaan yang mau kita lakukan contoh, saya gosok gigi sebelum tidur. Saya sarapan sebelum berangkat kesekolah,jadi saya sarapan dulu baru berangkat ke sekolah, nah bisa khann. Langsung saja jika dalam bahasa inggris tentu pakai rumus duunkk, here he is
Rumuzzz (subject+ past perfect(had V3)+o+before+past tense(S+V2))
Atau seerhananya (past perfect tense+before+past tense)
Contoh: she had read novel of harry potter before she went to sleep. Nah jadi dia lebih dulu baca novel hary poter lalu tidur gitu singkat ceritanya.
Sudah bisa kahaan naah coba buat contoh sendiri dan ingat rumuzzzznya okey.

Using after, artinya sesudah, dari arti juga dah tahu berarti dia ngelakoni pekerjaan dulu lalu kerja yang lain,contoh dia sholat sesudah wudhu, jadi dia wudu dulu baru sholat, saya minum sesudah makan dll dsb dst.
Rumuzzz (past tense+ after+past perfect tense)
Ex: He slept after He had worked hard. Nah jadi di tidur pulas setelah melakukan pekerjaan yang berat nahh mudahh kan, ingat rumuz and banyak bikin contoh, key.
Never ending to study go on!!!

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